Any advise / references for a good Property Rental Management Company / person in the Hoeilaart, Overijse, La Hulpe area ?
Thanks in advance.
My son signed a compromis de vente for an apartment four months ago.
Any suggestions on where to find an agent immobilier to help find existing church property for sale? Or property suitable for renovation as a church in Brussels the region?
I live in WSL. How/where do I dispose of an old petrol lawnmower (push type)- the recycle park will not take as it is not electric.
is there a charge?
Last year my cadastral income was heavily indexed by a factor of 1.8630 from 1276 euros to 2377 euros.
Hello, Have been renting an apartment for 15 year in Brussels – initial contract with owner was for nine year and have not signed anything since.
Morning all, any good experiences with companies able to replace all windows / window frames for an appt in Brussels (Etterbeek)?
I would like to know the low applied to renting out rooms during Covid time.
Hello friends,
I just bought a house in flanders and contacted closed to 10 architects because the house needs renovation.