I am looking for a new partner to play bridge on 18th Apr.2022 in Brussels.
(whole day’s bridge from 10:30-19:00 arranged by Brussels Bridge Club).
I am thinking of importing small quantities of certain products from South Asia.
Would any of you know of a import agent that I could work with?
Thank you.
I am a single mother with a 6 year old who was diagnosed with mild autism.
I have received documents from the Belgian Service Public Federal Finances including Declaration A L'Impot Des Non-Residents forms.
Has any one a link to the Belgian govt. concerned with offering accommodation to the Ukrainian refugees and help the govt. might offer them?
Looking for an accountant in Brussels who has a clear understanding of USA/BE tax laws and can advise.
English speaking preferred.
Is there anywhere you can buy duvet covers with UKpillowcases other than marks and spencers?
While I, as a member of a gym have to use my European Covid pass to enter the gym, the staff and trainers are not required to be vaccinated.
I have been living in Belgium for more than 10 years and I want to apply for a Belgian nationality. My current situation: