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Opposition and employers weigh in on government plans

The policies announced by the new federal government have come under fire from trade unions and opposition parties but have been welcomed by employers. The policies were announced yesterday after the four coalition parties reached agreement on forming a federal government led by French-speaking...

One in 20 Belgians lives abroad

Nearly 35,000 Belgians leave their country each year to live abroad, reports Mostly engineers, entrepreneurs and people working in the tourism sector emigrate for their work. In addition to Belgium’s neighbouring countries, the USA, UK, Canada and South Africa are also popular...

Biker2Biker comes to Brussels campuses , an online platform launched by the Brussels-Capital Region to encourage cycling in the capital, has teamed up with Brussels Mobility for a special event at Brussels universities. The universities will be treated to a visit by Get Insane, a team of trial bikers, skate boarders, BMX-...

City of Halle looks to future of Brussels River

The City of Halle, outside Brussels, is investigating whether the Senne/Zenne River can flow above ground and be visible again in the centre of Brussels. The river was covered up and built over in the early 20th century, and currently runs underneath the Brussels-Charleroi canal. Now that Flemish...

Belgium forms new federal government

After nearly 30 hours of non-stop negotiations, formateurs Kris Peeters (CD&V) and Charles Michel (MR) announced an agreement on the formation of new Belgian federal government yesterday evening. The so-called Swedish coalition will consist of nationalists N-VA, Christian-democrats CD&V and...

Environmental permit granted for Uplace

Uplace, a massive new shopping and leisure centre planned for Machelen, just outside Brussels, suddenly received the necessary environmental permit to go ahead with the project, first granted by Flemish environment minister Joke Schauvliege and later overturned by the Council of State. The Flemish...

Six percent of Belgium below sea level by 2100

Belgium is 10th in the list of countries most threatened by rising sea levels due to global warming, according to a new American study based on satellite information. According to the study, 619,000 people in Belgium will live below sea level by the end of the century, or as many as 660,000 people...

Birth rate in Brussels continues to rise

The number of births in the Brussels-Capital region is steadily increasing, according to the latest statistics from the Health and Welfare Observatory. In 2012, 19,355 children were born in the European capital, compared to 19,111 the previous year. That is a 27.7% increase compared to a decade ago...

War tourists double in West Flanders

The number of tourists visiting the Westhoek area of West Flanders doubled in August and September compared to the same period last year, according to tourism organisation Westtoer. The Westhoek centres on the city of Ypres, and is the main area for tourism related to First World War centennial...

The wait is over: The Loft opens in cinemas this month

“It’s got nothing to do with the movie.” These are the first words out of the mouth of Erik Van Looy to every journalist’s question regarding his movie The Loft . Van Looy made the film three years ago, the English-language remake of his 2008 thriller Loft , which broke Belgian box office records...
