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Content by tag : Weather


Strong winds, hail and heavy rain caused widespread damage across the country during the Pentecost bank holiday weekend.


The changeable weather did not deter tourists flooding to the Belgian coast over the Pentecost weekend, claimed Franky De Block of the West Flanders tourism province, Westtoer.


Strong winds, hail and heavy rain caused widespread damage across the country during the Pentecost bank holiday weekend.


The changeable weather did not deter tourists flooding to the Belgian coast over the Pentecost weekend, claimed Franky De Block of the West Flanders tourism province, Westtoer.


The largest Flemish automobile association VAB is urging motorists to be extremely vigilant with parked cars this weekend in view of the high temperatures expected across Belgium.


Fruit growers across Belgium are doing everything they can to prevent night frost from affecting the blossoms of their trees which are now in full bloom.


By the year 2100 Belgium will face severe flooding, skyrocketing costs due to the rising sea level and serious loss of groundwater resources.


The mild winter has had a positive side-effect for nature: with only one day where the temperatures dropped below zero, the roads and traffic agency AWV did not need to salt the roads.


Another outcome of this winter's unusually mild temperatures that won’t have consumers complaining is low gas bills.
