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Content by tag : environment


The Council of State yesterday overturned the environmental permit granted to the controversial shopping and leisure centre Uplace, planned for construction in Machelen near Brussels, close to the


No shower, no soap, no flush toilet, no TV, no radio, no refrigerator, no freezer, no lawn mower, no vacuum, no meat...


Two government bodies in Brussels – the Brussels-Capital Region and the Flemish Community Commission (VGC) – have issued a joint statement saying they will switch to environmentally friendly elect


The ten largest food companies in the world, called the Big Ten, are together responsible for CO2 emissions that are 50% higher than that of Belgium, according to the report ‘A Climate of Secrecy’


Terminal operator at the Port of Antwerp, Adpo Group yesterday opened Belgium’s first LNG (liquid natural gas) terminal in Waaslandhaven, in Kallo.


In Mechelen yesterday, bus manufacturer Van Hool unveiled its first hydrogen-fuelled bus, the first of its kind in Belgium to be put into regular use.


The first supermarket without plastic packaging is scheduled to open on June 29, reports Gazet van Antwerpen.


Brussels is now home to too many bees as a result of companies, municipal authorities and other organisations trying to present a more “green” image, according to environmental group Apis Bruoc Se


The state of alert in the nature and heathland areas of Antwerp and Limburg provinces was raised to orange at the weekend because of the increased risk of fire due to the continued dry weather.
