Would anyone know where in Belgium i might be able to get name tags made - the usual ones with the kid's name written on them for school clothe etc.
Many thanks
In a recent move, I misplaced the power cord to my computer. It looks like this: http://www.datapro.net/images/9212.jpg
Hi all! Apparently here in Belgium you get money for using non-disposable diapers. Is anyone aware of this measure and where I should ask for info?
Thanks in advance
Does anyone know what happened this afternoon around Schuman? At about 2:20pm all the power in the whole area went off. There was smoke coming out of the Metro system vents.
Hi All
Did anyone else fail to receive their delivery of The Sunday Times from Europress this morning? Anyone know why it didn't arrive? Thanks
First off, I would have rather written this in an email to the administrators of the xpats.com website, but I have searched and can not find an email address for
Moving house and need somebody to set up my SKY dish. Any recommendations?
The old format xpats.com used to have a section with a feed of brussels-based blogs. I really liked this feature! Where did it go?? Can someone please bring it back?
Someone told us that the 'Liste Robinson' was the way to stop telephone marketing harassment but Google does not give a lead to that 'liste'. Can someone give us valid advice?