I have appointed to work in international organization and i suppose to revived a Special ID card. My question is , is there any possibility to change my special id card to normal id in Belgium
Hello. I was wondering if someone can give me an advice please.
I posted this last week but it hasn’t appeared in print.
This could be a problem a number of women with dual British/Belgian citizenship could be facing.
How can I travel to the UK?
Does the Bulleint have its own legal forum offering advice on legal issues in Belgium, or a list of agencies where help and advice is given?
Thanks and kind regards,
I'm vaccinated and Belgian citizen. I'm travelling to London for one day.
This one is Belgium (Flemish) maybe 15 years ago, 20, maybe. The story is about a young woman living alone and the psychological problems it creates.
Hi everyone,
I've had a pretty bad stutter all my life and it seems to be getting worse. I'm starting to feel very ashamed by it.