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Brussels set to add schools and crèches

Finding a seat in a Brussels’ classroom or day care for your child will soon get a bit easier. The city’s new mayor, Yvan Mayeur, has announced that 2014 will see an increase of funds dedicated to building new schools, day care and sports centres. Brussels is planning on investing up to 116 million...

Belgian Army to continue presence in Afghanistan

Belgium has committed to continue its military assistance in Afghanistan until the end of NATO’s long-time mission. The decision will see the army maintain its operations until late 2014 when the international military presence plans to withdraw forces. Belgium has also promised additional support...

Brussels taxis set to strike Wednesday

Three of Brussels taxi federations have announced plans to protest Wednesday, which could lead to a repeat of widespread disruption to city traffic. Some 250 taxi drivers took action three weeks ago and succeeded in locking up the inner ring road and the main tunnels. The drivers are continuing to...

Government launches programme for 50 years Turkish and Moroccan migration

Flemish culture minister Joke Schauvliege has launched Thuis: 50 jaar migratie (Home: 50 Years of Migration), a book and programme of events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 labour treaty signed with Morocco and Turkey. “When Belgium signed the labour migration treaty, the economy...

Belgium recycled nearly 123 tonnes of electronics in 2013

A Belgian electronics’ recycling organization, Recupel, has announced that it received 122,905 kg of consumer appliances in 2013, or just shy of 123 tonnes. Everything from home computers, printers, and TVs to name only a few, avoided the landfill and found their way to second lives. This year’s...

Brussels’ public buildings may have asbestos problems

There are concerns that up to a thousand public buildings in the Brussels-Capital Region may be a threat to people’s health because of asbestos. The Socialist Trades Union claims that the buildings are not in accordance to the rules surrounding the cancer-causing insulation, and that some schools...

Survey shows majority of Belgians like their trains

According to a new European survey, Belgians are among the most satisfied with their trains in the European Union, with 74% of citizens giving the country’s rail system a thumbs-up. Belgium trails only Finland, Britain, Ireland and Luxembourg when it comes to having a positive outlook on its nation...


Crowdfunding tapped for new micro-brewery venture

The Brussels Beer Project to create atypical beers has assembled a budget of more than €50,000 in six months via crowdfunding. The initiators, two entrepreneurs in the capital, will launch two beers in January – one of them with a chocolate taste. The next step is to found a micro-brewery. Since...

Belgacom to enhance cyber security

The board of telecommunications giant Belgacom has approved a plan of action to better protect its IT and telecoms systems, following the recent revelation that the company’s networks had been hacked by a foreign intelligence service, probably the UK’s GCHQ. “Cyber security has always been a major...
