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Content by tag : protest


The Brussels commune of Saint-Gilles has changed its plan for the redevelopment of 'the Parvis', its main square, in response to pressure from the community after locals started a petition a


Eight people climbed two cranes at a construction site near Brussels' Porte de Namur early Monday morning.


Residents of Saint-Gilles have launched a petition to preserve the trees on the Parvis de Saint-Gilles, a popular square in front of the church at the heart of the Brussels commune.


Farmers are planning to block traffic around the EU district of Brussels on Thursday, in the latest protest against transatlantic trade talks.


A political row is brewing over the renaming of one of the docks in the port of Antwerp.


An estimated 600 people demonstrated in Brussels on Monday under the slogan "Welcome Refugees", to express their support for all refugees in Europe.


So far, more than 600 people have signed an online petition for the preservation of two local cafés located on Brussels' Place de la Liberté.


As expected, more than 4,800 farmers with 1,000 tractors arrived in Brussels yesterday to demonstrate during a meeting of EU agriculture ministers.


More than 1,000 farmers are expected to arrive in Brussels by tractor on Monday to take part in a protest against low milk prices, according to the European Milk Board (EMB).
