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73,000 Belgians fined for not filing taxes in 2015

07:31 01/02/2016

The Belgian tax authorities have imposed fines on some 73,000 people in Belgium after they neglected to submit a tax return before the 15 July deadline last year, writes Het Nieuwsblad. The state issued a total of about €13 million in fines.

Belgian residents who have not filed a tax return by the deadline first get an official notice, followed by a reminder letter and, finally, the threat of a hefty fine. In spite of all the warnings, however, tens of thousands of Belgians ignore the tax authorities each year. "Every Belgian nevertheless has a tax obligation," FPS Finance spokesperson Francis Adyns told the newspaper. "So we have a zero tolerance policy: no declaration means a penalty."

The penalties, which range from €50 to €1,250, were mailed to about 73,000 Belgians over the past few months, for a total of €13 million. The amount that is to be collected in the end will likely be much higher, as the tax authorities are able to add charges of 10- to 200% of the undeclared amounts.

Written by Robyn Boyle



Could be worse, could be American. How about confiscatory fines by a country where you never lived? What the USA is doing with FATCA is the biggest scandal of modern times and certainly the biggest one in living memory. And the stupid EU rolls over on the promise of reciprocity while it's only the USA that taxes people who have left or in some cases, never lived in the USA.

Jan 31, 2016 20:22

Yes, it could be worse. How about starting at the top and getting the EU institutions book keeping sorted out, finalised and published for all EU citizens to see? There are probably many unexplained errors after 20+ years.

Feb 1, 2016 15:18

EU will go bust when the UK pulls out. For the first time in my life I intend to vote in the UK.
It's not childish malice, it is genuine anger at what the EU has become by stealth and while looking after the folk in Brussels first.

Feb 2, 2016 21:29