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Wage watchers: How much does a service vouchers consultant earn?

03:39 08/12/2014

We asked Kathleen Lauwens, 34, from Leest what she does with the €1300 net she earns as a service checks consultant.

What do you do for work?

I’m a service vouchers consultant and the regional representative for Rupel, Mechelen, Leuven and Lier. That means that I do all the planning for domestic workers and I recruit and fire people.

What do think of your job?

It’s stressful but the hours fly by. Most of all, I like the independence. I can manage everything and just have to report to the regional manager once per month.

What do you think of your salary?

Actually, I find it too low for the responsibilities that I have. On the other hand, I get a lot of perks: a car, Internet and a mobile phone. That compensates for the salary. I don’t think that I would change jobs for higher pay.

Do you save money?

Yes, but not a fix amount and also not for something specific. I just set something on the side and save for my pension.

What do you enjoy spending money on?

Nothing. I’d love it if everything was free. Most of all I like spending something on my children. My daughter is two and my son seven.

On top of that, I play squash regularly and I do interior design for some friends. I began studying that when we were looking for a house to buy. We knew that we wanted a less expensive house that we could renovate. My studies helped me see all the possibilities.

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

I’ve always wanted to adopt children, but it is very expensive. If I had the money then I would do that. Also, there’s a huge need for foster parents. So if I won the lotto, I’d buy an enormous house and fill it with as many children as possible.

Written by The Bulletin