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Renovation planned for Brussels' Porte de Hal

10:53 12/03/2024

Brussels' Porte de Hal is next in line for a renovation, with the city's building authority hoping to see a new roof and a full restoration of the woodwork on the exterior.

The aim is to address stability issues, prevent water seepage, and ensure safety, especially considering the poor condition of the roof, with some of its tiles having already come loose.

Built in the 14th century as part of Brussels' second city wall, Porte de Hal is the only preserved Brussels city gate and is part of the Royal Museums of Art and History. The listed monument houses a museum dedicated to the city of Brussels during the Middle Ages.

“The Porte de Hal testifies to the history of the second walling of Brussels,” said state secretary for the Régie des Bâtiments, Mathieu Michel.

“With the Régie des Bâtiments, I am determined to preserve the integrity of the Porte de Hal, ensuring its survival as a jewel of Belgium's patrimony.”

A public tender for work is being launched and interested contractors can submit their bids by 18 March 2024 at the latest via an online platform.

Renovations would then begin this autumn and finish in 2025.

The building will remain accessible to visitors during the works.

Written by Helen Lyons