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One in five Belgians prefer in-law of same race, survey shows

15:59 21/03/2016

According to a survey by Unia, an independent public institution which combats discrimination and promotes equal opportunities, about 20% of more than 2,500 Belgians surveyed say that they would not like it if their son or daughter were with a partner of a different race. Unia is therefore launching an awareness campaign today on the International Day against Racism and Discrimination, report various Belgian media.

“Racism based on a person's skin colour persists," concludes Unia director Els Keytsman (pictured)."One in five respondents say they would prefer a potential son- or daughter-in-law not be of a different race.”

The discrimination is not generational, Keytman adds. "Every generation thinks more or less the same: 17.5% of 16- to 25-year-olds would find it very disturbing should their future children choose a partner with a different skin colour."

The organisation today launches an awareness campaign and video aimed at drawing attention to some of the prejudices faced by people with a migration background in Belgium.

Written by Robyn Boyle


A Clodong

The reluctance to accept a partner from a different race is clearly a two-way street. It is those who are more religious who often appear to be discriminated by society. On the positive side, one can say that 80% of Belgians would accept a partner from another race. Not bad.

Mar 22, 2016 08:28