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Study: 36% of women in Belgium are victims of physical and sexual assault

A major report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights is revealing that up to 36 percent of women in Belgium have been assaulted physically or sexually. The study saw more than 42,000 women between the ages of 18 and 74 throughout the EU interviewed. The results are startling. Across...

Belgium claims the prize for worst traffic in Europe

According to a new study, not only does Belgium top the list for worst vehicle traffic in Europe, it actually turns out to be a positive sign for the economy. Across Europe, car traffic is again on the rise for the first time in two years, which goes hand-and-hand with economic recovery, says the...


Major upsets in Brussels transport Tuesday

Tuesday was a difficult day for public transport in Brussels. On the metro, traffic on lines 2 and 6 was held up for more than an hour following an attempted suicide on the metro tracks. The person involved survived and was transported to hospital. The public transport authority MIVB ran shuttle...

Electricity bills set to drop in April

Starting in April Belgian households can expect not only spring weather but cheaper electricity bills as well. It won’t be an April fools joke on the first of next month when electricity consumers will begin paying only 6 percent of VAT instead of the 21 percent that currently finds its way onto...

First World War exhibition opens in Brussels

An exhibition featuring the lives of average Belgians during the German occupation of the First World War has opened in Brussels to mark the centenary of the beginning of the four-year conflict. The exhibition, taking place at the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History at Brussels...

Direct flights from Brussels to Newcastle with bmi

British airline bmi regional has launched its latest service, providing direct flights from Brussels to Newcastle. With the announcement of two daily return trips during the week and one on Sunday, bmi regional becomes the first airline to offer a direct link between Brussels Airport and Newcastle...

Belgium to overhaul film tax shelter

After more than a year of lobbying, Belgium’s independent film producers have successfully persuaded the government to move forward and reform the country’s film tax shelter. The proposed reform, which must pass both the Belgian Parliament and European Commission, will restructure the tax shelter...

Council of State auditor finds evidence against Telenet deal

Internet and cable provider Telenet could lose up to one-third of its clients if a deal made more than five years ago is struck down by the Council of State. This week the auditor of the council issued an opinion in the so-called Interkabel case, which, if followed by the council, would annul the...

Liège scientist awakes coma patients for two hours

World-renowned coma expert Steven Laureys of the Coma Science Group at Liège University has been able to awake patients temporarily who have been in a coma for months, or even years. Laureys worked specifically with patients in a condition of “minimum consciousness,” which is less serious than the...
