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Ryanair to add five new destinations from Belgium

From next summer, the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair will offer a total of 90 destinations from Belgium. Brussels Airport will get three new destinations, and Charleroi Airport two, announced Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary at a press conference in Brussels, writes De Morgen . The 90 routes...

Belgian telecom operators to promote mobile internet

14 Belgian telecom operators are planning extra campaigns in October to promote mobile Internet in an initiative by the Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT) and digital agenda minister Alexander De Croo. Users can expect to enjoy a number of perks in October,...

Plans for energy atoll in North Sea to be dropped

A plan to build an artificial atoll off the Belgian coast for the production of wind and water energy should be scrapped, according to a proposal from North Sea minister Bart Tommelein that is supported by federal energy minister Marie-Christine Marghem. The atoll was the brainchild of former North...

Political row over change of name for Antwerp dock

A political row is brewing over the renaming of one of the docks in the port of Antwerp. The problem surrounds the new lock on the left bank of the Scheldt, one of the latest stages in the port’s expansion. The Deurgangk dock lock is 500m long and 68m wide and has a depth down to -17.8m, making it...

Up on the roof: Head skywards for an alternative view of Belgium

KU Leuven library tower The original Leuven university library was destroyed in 1914 during World War One, as German soldiers set fire to the city. Not only was the building itself destroyed, but 300,000 volumes burned along with it. The burning and destruction of the library symbolised a...

One in nine residents of Belgium is foreign

As of 2013, one in nine residents of Belgium is a foreigner, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The 1.2 million people have only a foreign passport. The majority of them come from the Netherlands, France and Italy, each with about 150,000 people, writes...

Belgian police begin border patrols

Federal police have begun patrols in border areas in order to combat illegal immigration and human trafficking. The first patrols took place in Limburg province this week in the presence of home affairs minister Jan Jambon. Police have set up checkpoints to examine lorries and vans at random for...

Belgium spends too much time sitting down, says health institute

The average person spends more than nine hours a day sitting down, a situation that is “dangerously unhealthy,” according to a report by the Flemish Institute for Health Care Promotion and Illness Prevention (VIGeZ). For most of us, the better part of the day is taken up with sitting still, either...

Student room costs an average €349 per month

A student renting out a room in Belgium will spend an average of €4,375 per year, or €349 per month, all expenses included, according to the Flemish Centre for Budget Advice and Research (Cebud), writes Het Laatste Nieuws . The calculation is based on prices for student rooms with a sink. Studios...

VUB enrolment up for seventh consecutive year

During the official launch of its new academic year on Tuesday at Bozar, The Free University of Brussels (VUB) announced an increase in the number of new students for the seventh year in a row. With more than 20% foreign students, the VUB is the most international of the Flemish universities,...
