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Free parking for during the day as close to the centre as possible?
I live in the centre of Brussels (Debrouckere) and am going to buy a car. As i'll only use the car at weekends i need somewhere to park it during the week. Ideally somewhere relatively safe and free, as i don't want to pay for something i'm not using.
Can anyone please tell me of any free parking streets in Brussels or on the outskirts?
Thanks in advance
I believe it's possible to also park at the abbey de la Cambre and just display a what time you arrive style parking ticket however I've never left my car there for extended periods only during the day.
As above maybe easier to get a permit as to be honest having to trudge miles before or after using your car is a real pain. I used to have a garage not at my home in England and to be honest I gave up using it.
Other suggestion would be Hoeilaart train station is currently free to park as is groendaal. Herman Debroux as suggested and actually on a few streets by there along the side of the garage also.
Why are you ignoring good advice and claiming no one is answering the question?
Find the Parking map for your commune and if you have to pay 15 euro per year, do it.
N.Wright - why troll? Seriously, what's the point?
I asked a question, you have nothing positive or useful to why waste both of our times by making a disparaging remark.
The 1000 commune is a hellish place to accomplish anything.
There, happy now? Cheer up.
MICHELE and ANON, thank you for your contributions. It's appreciated.
I live in BXL 1000 and I have never had any problems dealing with the borough so maybe it's your attitude that makes it a "hellish place?"
In what way was N.Wright trolling?