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First-ever survey on homophobia and sexism is launched

12:11 07/10/2013

The first national survey on homophobia, sexism and transphobia is launched today at the initiative of the Brussels state secretary for equal opportunities, Bruno De Lille, in association with the Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Fight against Racism (CECLR) and the Institute for the Equality between Women and Men, the state secretary’s office announced yesterday. The aim of the survey is to probe people’s opinions on gender equality, homosexuality and transgender issues and have a better understanding of the prevailing attitudes of the population as a whole. "Behind the politically correct acceptance of homosexuality, there are still hidden prejudices and negative attitudes, sometimes violently so,” says CECLR director Jozef De Witte. “Only a thorough understanding of the causes of this phenomenon will allow us to pursue a policy that is both preventive and efficient." Any person over the age of 16 can take part in the survey anonymously until December 7 by visiting the site – in French, Dutch or English.

Written by The Bulletin