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Extend metro to Brussels periphery, urges mobility minister

11:59 09/03/2016

Brussels mobility minister Pascal Smet has announced his idea to extend the Brussels metro system to include Groot-Bijgaarden, in the Flemish periphery. The initiative would help to smooth out traffic in the capital, says the minister today in De Standaard.

Smet wants to use the recent tunnel crisis as an impetus to finally tackle some of the mobility issues in Brussels. His plan to reform the mobility situation in the capital includes coming up with the estimated €523 million needed to repair and renovate the tunnels.

But it also includes an extension of the metro line from Simonis to Groot-Bijgaarden, on the outskirts of Brussels. The minister would provide a transit parking at the end of the metro line, so that people coming from Ostend or Ghent may leave their car and enter Brussels by metro. "There is an ongoing study for this project," says Smet.

"I hope the Brussels tunnel dossier can be a catalyst," he concludes. "Never waste a good crisis."

Written by Robyn Boyle



I think they should turn the old Chi-Chi site at Jezus-Eik into a massive underground carpark with a dedicated lane from E411 and extend metro from Hermann-Debroux to there.
Free parking could encourage a lot of people to leave their cars outside the ring.

Mar 10, 2016 10:39

Well John you'd need to kick out basic fit to do that so that's not going to happen. I agree the metro should run to Jesus eik or the tram could but they won't tear down or disturb any precious woodlands to do this despite it getting choked In Exhaust fumes due the appalling fact that it's a massive bottle neck due the idiot design. Where else in the world when two major roads meet do people wishing to travel one way have to do a massive loop to turn in the direction they want to go?

Mar 10, 2016 13:23