Content by tag : Winter
Following record high temperatures in October, Belgium is now bracing for its first cold spell of the season, reports Sudinfo.
Organisations that aid the homeless are worried about the approach of winter, saying that with up to 10,000 vulnerable people in Belgium, the situation is dire.
Belgian animal rights group Gaia is looking to sue the federal government in a bid to change legislation surrounding the sale of fireworks.
Many parts of Belgium are seeing the first real snowfall of the winter, and with it, some hazardous conditions for pedestrians and motorists.
As the cold snap continues across Belgium and at least one homeless person has died, some municipalities are detaining those who refuse shelter from the freezing temperatures.
Organisations that provide aid to homeless people in Brussels are scrambling to prepare for an oncoming cold snap amid a shortage of space in shelters.
While some parts of the country are still underwater following heavy rainfall, a mass of cold and dry air is heading to Belgium and large parts of western Europe, reports RTBF.
Belgium will only run out of electricity in “very extreme situations” this winter, according to the new Winter Outlook from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (E
Organisations that help the homeless are activating their winter plans as temperatures begin to drop across Belgium, anticipating a heavy increase in demand for their services over previous years.