Content by tag : volunteer
Belgium's Central Supervisory Council for Prisons (CTRG) is looking for volunteers to evaluate the situation in the capital’s prisons.
Belgium is introducing a new voluntary civic service programme aimed at young people.
An optional programme for citizen service would compensate young people for work in the community, allowing them to earn €550 a month.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for many people it can also be the most stressful one. Decorations abound and friends, family and colleagues seem full of holiday cheer.
Spend the night on the cold hard floor of Tour & Taxi, that’s the challenge set by street nurse organisation Infirmiers de rue/Straatverp
Cultural festival Bewogen aims to raise money for migrants while fostering ties in the local community on 10 September.
The Belgian Red Cross is currently experiencing a sharp drop in the number of blood donations and is appealing fo
Following an unprecedented increase in suicide calls in 2021, the CHS - Community Help Service urgently needs
Brussels-City is hoping that 1,000 of its citizens will take part in World Clean-up Day, which is this coming Saturday, 18 September.