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Content by tag : Festival


What do Belgium and the Czech Republic have in common? They both sell a lot of beer.


It sounds pretty niche, but the programme of the Belgian-Mexican queer video and performance festival Homografìa/Homography is bursting at the seams with inte


The multi-disciplinary Artonov Festival bridges old and new in sublime and surprising ways.


Honouring the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, Brussels Cello Festival from 8-11 October at the Royal Conservatory of B


A must-see of the autumn arts season is an exhibition shared between Brussels and Ghent.


As more and more people consider alternative ways of living during the coronavirus pandemic, the LIFE Vegan Festival on Saturday looks like being a popular event.


The Korean Cultural Centre in Brussels is busy getting ready to reopen this week after the coronavirus shutdown - as well as preparing for 2021 which will be full of special events to commemorate


Dinner in the Sky has got your corona fears covered: Instead of sitting around one big table, several private platforms give you the view you want and the privacy you require.


If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that life is much more unpredictable than we thought.
