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Content by tag : Children


In a second study by the Brussels Observatory for Health and Welfare, there were a third more babies born in Brussels since the year 2000, reports


Separated or divorced parents in Belgium often refuse to pay alimony support for their children.


Belgian legislation is not clear enough when it comes to the ban on the physical punishment of children, says the Council of Europe.


In 2014, 23 children were placed for domestic adoption in Belgium, a decrease compared to 2013 (26) and the lowest number since 2006, writes Belga based on a report by the Flemish Centre for Adopt


The Flemish Community Commission (VGC) in Brussels is increasing the number of organised playgrounds this summer from eight to 18 to cope with the overwhelming demand, commission chair Guy Vanheng


The New Flemish Alliance party (N-VA) and the Christian-Democratic party (CD&V) are calling for the establishment of a central database to manage the data from egg and sperm donors and for the


Belgium is the 10th best country in the world to be a mother, according to an annual survey by the NGO Save the Children.


Belgium’s liberal parties Open Vld and MR have submitted a proposal to lower the age at which compulsory education begins to five.


In Belgium, it’s typical for both parents to work full-time, or almost full-time.
