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Content by tag : Children


More than three years after a new law made it possible for parents in Belgium to choose from four surnames for their newborn child, the double last name is most common in the Brussels


Bianca Debaets, the Brussels secretary of state responsible for animal welfare, is working to ban the use of fairground ponies in the Brussels-Capital Region.


In 2015, mothers in Belgium gave birth to their first child at an average age of 28.7 years, slightly more than in 2013 when the average age was 28.5 years, according to a study by th


In 2015, 10,171 children under nine years of age visited an orthodontist in Belgium to be fitted with braces, an increase of 27% in five years, report the Mediahuis newspapers based o


Belgium places near the bottom of a worldwide ranking on the daily exercise habits of young children, write various media based on a report by the University of Leuven, Ghent Universi


Children in Belgium are much more reckless on the internet than their foreign peers, reports Het Laatste Nieuws based on a large-scale survey.


Concerned about the rising number of births by Caesarean section in Belgium, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) yesterday released a report calling for medical professiona


The University Hospital of Brussels (UZ Brussels) has launched a new campaign in its search for more sperm donors.


Children are involved in two out of three divorce cases in Belgium, writes De Standaard.
