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Content by tag : animals


One chicken can process about 50kg of household garbage annually.


There are several places where you can pick up a pet, namely pet shops, shelters and breeders.


Mechelen animal park Planckendael could be welcoming the arrival of a new baby elephant as early as this weekend, the park’s management has announced.


Agriculture Minister Joke Schauvliege has announced a new measure for the protection of purebred dogs.


The federal government has imposed an order on professional poultry farmers to keep their birds indoors or, if they are allowed out of doors, under nets, federal agriculture minister Willy Borsus


Staff from the Institute for Nature and Woodland Research out on the North Sea last week for a bird census spotted a basking shark near the Oosthinder sandbank, several kilometres off the coast of


The first cat cafe in Belgium will soon open its doors in the Brussels commune of Saint-Gilles. The concept of a cafe filled with cats for clients to pet and enjoy comes from Japan.


Kai-Mook, the baby elephant born in Antwerp Zoo in 2009 to the delight of the entire country, will soon become a big sister – and an aunt – animal park Planckendael announced yesterday.


A company in Leuven, Bio-Incubator, has received authorisation to keep as many as 6,870 animals next year for testing, which is a quadrupling of the current number allowed.
