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Work advice required


Hi Everyone,

Wondering if someone can advise me on what to do in this situation, I am 36 and have been working in IT security for a company in Brussels for 7 years. I got forced into a job i did not want I am contemplating quitting my job in order to train for what i want which is web development, i should have enough funds to last me for 2 years.

I would really appreciate any advice during this frustrating period in my life.

Thanks have a nice day.


Just go for it. Sounds like you have thought this through, you have funds to keep you going. Stagnation should not be an option. Take the leap, the net will appear!

Jul 10, 2014 17:08

Hi AP, I'm currently starting my own networking business for which I will need a website developer! Maybe we can have a chat! thanks

Jul 17, 2014 12:33

What makes you think this loser would be any good?
Mind you - what sort of loser suggests a chat without leaving contact details?

Jul 22, 2014 01:02
