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Wine bottles
Only a small number of wine bottles have a deposit associated with them. There is a diamond symbol on the bottle with arrows. This is not the round recycling symbol with arrows.
Yes, supermarkets redeem them, and recycle the non-deposit bottles as well.
As far as I am aware it's just Delhaize, and it applies to most of their wine, the reason is that they buy in bulk and bottle the wine themselves, so they 'own' the bottles
In the Carrefour where I shop they will only take back bottles of brands that they sell and that they have charged a deposit on - in other words they refund your money.
There is no question of them recycling other bottles though the commune has bottle banks all over the town.
The symbol on the rear label will have CONSIGNE written above and STATIEGELD below. Make sure you take the bottles back to the chain you bought them from.