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Webinars / Video Conferencing
I need to set up a webinar (??) in Brussels. We want to organise a virtual meeting. We will rent a room with the equipment. The speakers are filmed etc and participants can follow from their offices all over the world via their computer screens from their own offices. Questions and comments can be sent in via email.
Does anyone know what I mean ?? :)) and where I can rent a office to do this from in Brussels?
just entered in my search engine 'video conferencing facilities Bruxelles' and about 5 locations came up.
Just to select the best for your needs.
Hi, My name is David and I work for a company called Imago group Benelux, we specialize in video conferencing and streaming solutions, I would be more than happy to help you set up your webinar.
you would have differences in pricing depending on how many people should attend and if it needs to be recorded and if you want to rent the solution or simply buy a managed service that you can use as much as you like.
my email
Have a great day.
Have you looked at Skype or likewise services, we once did it through Skype with extra chat channel , the cost was very low. It was just a one off conference , and it went very well.