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Wallonia free-trade veto is 'incomprehensible', says Flemish minister-president

09:00 17/10/2016

Flemish minister-president Geert Bourgeois has criticised the decision by the Walloon regional government to veto a proposed free trade agreement between the EU and Canada. Bourgeois, who is currently in Japan as part of a trade mission, described the decision as “incomprehensible”.

Last week, the parliament of the French Community voted against the Ceta, with the Walloon parliament following suit two days later. The veto means federal prime minister Charles Michel is unable to sign the accord this week as planned.

“This is incomprehensible,” Bourgeois said. “Here we are on a state visit with an important emphasis on trade and investment. Wallonia travels halfway around the world with us to attract investment and promote exports, at the same time rejecting a treaty that would provide exactly that trade and investment, and deliver a great many jobs.”

The Walloons’ concerns include the danger that the trade agreement will see a reduction in standards in areas such as agriculture and food safety. They also fear that a treaty with Canada will leave the door open for US businesses. A group of socialist and green MEPs said in an op-ed published in Le Soir that: “Social and environmental norms that protect our workers, citizens and businesses will be under attack.”

Photo: Walloon minister-president Paul Magnette in the regional parliament for the Ceta vote. © Bruno Fahy/BELGA

Written by Alan Hope



Well, the USA does indeed seem to be annexing Canada by stealth. Who knew that so many Canadians are US tax payers, and that the Canadian goverment allowed it to happen?

Oct 18, 2016 00:10