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Wage watchers: How much does an education specialist earn?

08:26 10/11/2014
Anneleen Feyaerts, 25, from Mechelen tells us how she spends the €1400 she earns working as an education specialist.

What do you do for work?

I work as a school counsellor and education specialist. I visit different schools in the Antwerp province, I think together with the teachers over the problems that they run into with the children or in a class: for example, children who cannot sit still, conflicts between the students themselves, kids who can’t pay attention or who are uncooperative, etc. We look at the pedagogic theory and search for a practical solution.

Do you like your job?

Very much. I’m part of a young, new team and that’s nice. The work is always very varied. Every day there is something else to do. Plus, it’s a very intensive job and I find that challenging. On the other hand, of course, it asks a lot of energy. It is a job that you really have to love, otherwise you won’t continue.

What do you think of your salary?

At this moment, I’m satisfied with my salary, but in the future it is certainly always welcome grow.

Would you change your job for a higher salary?

Right now, definitely not. This job gives me a lot of opportunities and satisfaction. I get a lot out of it. Plus, there are growth opportunities.

Do you save money?

Yes, to the extent that I can.

What is your biggest cost?

That’s definitely my housing. The largest part of my budget goes to paying rent.

What is your dream?

I would like to have my own house. Furthermore, I’d like to make the most out of every day and live in the here and now.

What do you hate spending money on?

On unnecessary luxuries. For me, for example, a car needs to be practical, first and foremost, and doesn’t need to have all the fancy gadgets. The same goes for a mobile phone: as long as I can make calls and send texts with it, that’s enough for me.

What do you like speaking money on?

Mostly on travelling and delicious food. Things that I can really enjoy.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would definitely not stop working, that is not an option. Eventually I would probably work a lot less. And I’d definitely buy a house instead of renting like I do now.

Written by The Bulletin