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Urgent 24 hour Translation
Don't know if they can deliver in 24h, but they are usually very fast:
I had to organise a similar sort of thing.
Apologies if I'm recommending something that you have already done.
First check exactly what is acceptable and whether the people needing the documents can recommend someone to do the work. You don't want to pay for something which is unnecessary, nor do you want to pay for something that turns out to be unacceptable and have to start again.
In Belgium, for legal purposes, you need a 'Beëdigd Vertaler/Traducteur Assermenté' - a translator approved by the courts. You'll find them listed in Yellow Pages -
The translated document has to be stamped by the court. This is free if you do it yourself but it will almost certainly be more convenient to pay the translator to get it done for you.
I did everything via email, snail mail, telephone and fax. There is no need for you to use a nearby translator or even to meet the translator face to face - I certainly didn't though there was no time pressure on me.
Good luck
Check on NEXUS Traduction, Av.Louise, 65 4th floor, email, sworn at Tribunal de Bruxelles.