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Unsigned Etat de Lieux
I moved into my house just over 2 years ago. My landlord organised for the Etat de Lieux and I duly paid my share. The completed Etat de Lieux was presented to my landlord and a copy given to me. Following this, I waited for my landlord to contact me to organise a time to come round for us to discuss the Etat de Lieux and to sign it together. This never happened and now, over 2 years later, it's still unsigned. Last week I had an email out of the blue asking me to sign it. My question to you - is it still legal? Any advice greatly appreciated.
If you don't contest it within about 4 weeks, it is assumed that you've accepted it. So yes, it's legal even if you don't sign it.
Hello, was the état des lieux organised with an expert? if it was and you signed his mission you are not obliged to sign the report, it has to be signed by the expert. So in this case it is important to know if the report is signed by the expert.
If you organised the état des lieux between you and the owner (but then I don't see why you had to pay your share) it is better to have a signed document. If he wants you to sign the original document (the same that you had a copy 2 years ago), I don't see any problem, of course if you agree with what is written. If the document is not signed by both parties there is no proof that you have done an état des lieux.
I hope my answer was helpful.