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Universities in Belgium


Good Afternoon All,
One last question on the educational front.
While I will need to study Dutch at least for another year I am interested to know if anyone has attended the universities here in Belgium. I already hold two BA's from American schools and I am wanting to finish the 3rd one I started before I left. My studies are for World War II history moving towards historical preservation. The university set up here is vastly different that what I am accustomed to. Could anyone shed some light on how the programmes work here as well as pros and cons to any unis mentioned? I do not speak French at this time however I am aware that I will need to learn it at a later date.
I live closer to the Holland border so at this time I could not go further than Brussels for classes.
Thanks again everyone for all your help :)

From the archives

K.U. Leuven is great - that is my experience. The administration works very well so just call them and ask what to do in your case. Everybody (more or less) speaks English - just if your Dutch is not ready for tha yet. Look at

Aug 23, 2011 14:31