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Is there a mobile App for Deutsche bank belgium


Dear xpats, Does anyone know if Deutsche bank have an mobile app that allows online banking for it's Belgium customers? Thank you for any advice


Look MIKEK1300GT.

This past fortnight, you've complained about transfer getting "stuck", bragged about now being outside ("I buggered off, as far as the tax man is concerned, quite some time ago") the Belgian tax system, and now this.

I think the tax man is after you with his big stick.

The problem isn't Belgium, or anyone else for that matter. It's you.

Sep 22, 2015 21:15

"And now this"... What is bothering you most? The fact I took the advice of fools like you when it comes to taxation or the fact that I am yet again correct regarding he the processes of Deutschebank?

Sep 22, 2015 21:52

Everytime I complain about not having an application for Android they call me and tell me they're "reliably" informed it will be available before the end of the month (replace "month" by April, May, June and perhaps July, August etc.?). They have already a Android app for German, Spanish and other countries, so maybe Belgium is too small or else they believe everybody in Belgium uses Apple devices? Your guess and frustration are as good as mine...

Jun 16, 2016 14:36

MIKEK1300GT: I'm sorry for not respondent any sooner, I totaly forgot about this topic.
Transfers (between DB accounts) are performer reactie. Just transfer the money, and then click on your account. You will see the amount has been adder on the top of the page.

@Peter.Schieber.3: MyBank Belgium (the DB Belgium app) is already available on IOS. I was informed the Android version will be launched real soon (+-2 weeks).

Jun 22, 2016 15:18
