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Template letter to terminate the rent


Does anyone know of a template letter (in french) to send to your landlord to say you intend to move out. My french is poor and i need to send one to her to let her know i intend to leave at the end of my contract. All help appreciated.

From the archives

Your firstname,surname
your address
Post code and city
country if different from landlord

*Your landlord name
His/her address
Post code and city
country if different from yours* *NB this block should be on the right hand side of the page but at this level

<Town>, le <date> * Nb should be on right hand side of the page at this level

Madame, Monsieur, (both or if you know for sure either one or the other depending on gender)

Par la présente, je vous fais part de mon intention de résilier mon contrat de location de l'appartement situé <full address to be inserted> que j'occupe depuis le <DATE when you've strated renting the place (on your lease)>.
Cette résiliation sera effective en date du <DATE to be inserted here> respectant ainsi le délai de trois mois auquel je suis tenu.
Dans l'attente de votre réponse, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.

Firstname Surname

Sep 1, 2011 14:48