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Survey / Audit of a house we're about to buy?
Hello. We're looking to buy a house in Waterloo and are under pressure to sign quickly with the current owner. I would like to have an "expert" come and have a look/survey the house just to make sure that there are no serious issues that we've overlooked. Anyone have any tips on someone I can contact to have this done?
I can't recommend anyone but after a realy bad expereance, I really encourage you to expertise your house before signing anything. How about asking your insurance company. They must deal with good professional experts.
Ask the notary, if you've already got one. They usually know such people.
The main tip is don't drag your heels - houses can go fast and people can make very quick decisions when they're ready to do so.
Ask for an "option" - explain you want to make an offer, but need an expertise first. that should get 2-3 days leeway. That will give you time to talk to an expert (an architect maybe?), and get advice from your solicitor.
Are you going to get a mortgage for this purchase? If so, then the bank will require a valuation anyway from an approved surveyor. You will have to use one of their approved experts to get a valuation done for the mortgage anyway. One option, (which is what I did when I bought my house) was to get the banks expert to do the valuation, but at the same time he also did a report on the property for me (which I paid extra for) which was more like a 'structural survey' of the type you would get in the U.K.
Also, don't sign anything until your notaire has seen and approved the document you are planning to sign.
> the bank will require a valuation
They just send someone to look at the property and make sure it vaguely matches the size, shape and location. It's just an anti-fraud measure so they don't lend money against a fictional property - nothing else.
OK I'll rephrase my answer
"the bank may require a valuation"
In any case, the bank will have a list of approved surveyors, who do both valuations as well as more detailed "structural" surveys.
At least my bank BNP Paribas Fortis did. I asked for a structural surveyor / engineer on their approved list, and they gave me a name. He produced an extremely detailed and very valuable survey of my house, he made up plans, and made an incredibly detailed description of the property listing structural / physical issues, as well as remedies, and a list of optional things I may want to do to improve the existing building. I also wanted a view on options for breaking walls / and other structural issues in the house which he detailed in the report with cost estimates etc. It was the best money I've ever spent.
OK This was 15 years ago, and quite possibly J and anon7 know better or have more experience in the busineess that I.
I recommended Fabrice Fierens on this site. Also agree, be careful to clear any paper with notaire before signing!
Hi ANON, is it possible to share the contact details of that surveyor? And what about costs to prepare for such report? Does he make an evaluation as well, or is it just technical check?