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Stop smoking: Help


Looking for recommendations of places / options for my husband to stop smoking. Tried the usual nicorette etc so not looking for medication but rather the 'human' touch : meetings / doctor/ etc. any personal recommendations welcome! thanks


Get him Alan Carr's book. It's brilliant.

Sep 8, 2013 10:32

This website helped me: You need to check in every day to register your non-smoking progress or regression. It helps you to perceive quitting smoking as a personal project with a success target.

Sep 8, 2013 10:50

My doctor's waiting room and the local mutuelle office both have ads for local online help lines. I would start at the doctor's.
I was smoking in excess of 40 a day when I stopped so it can be done.
I would say that the most important element is positively wanting to stop.
Good luck to your man.

Sep 8, 2013 12:18
darko katalinic

Hello dear, Im moving in Brussels (because of my wife job ) for a one year period
and Im massage therapyst and bioenergy healer. I belive that I can help your husband to stop smoking of course if it is his will not only yours. Before I became massage therapyst and healer I also have adiction deasises and I have cured myself not only by stoppig with supstances (nicotin, alcohol and others) but also with couses that are in deep spiritual level (emotions, thoughts) so I knowledge not only from books but from first hand. My mail is so we can be in touch.
Best regards

Nov 27, 2013 11:46

Smoking is an addiction. Smoking are becoming increasingly more obvious, nearly all smokers have attempted to quit. I think you should motivate him to prevent smoking. Tell him that you simply think he'll allow it to be this time around - even if he's attempted to quit before with no success. Actually, most smokers have to "practice" quitting several times before they quit permanently. There are lots of ways of quitting smoking you can also search it on the internet.

You can view more information here:

May 20, 2014 12:13