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Speed limit boundaries
Hi All
I bought a translation of the Belgian H/Code.
With regards to speed limit boundaries it is not very clear in that the outward boundary can be the next junction if there is no speed limit plate after it.
However it does not say if the the junction can be on the offside. Neither does it say if the same criteria applies on motorways.
Can anyone point me to the official documentation for the answer?
If I could understand the question I might be able to answer it.
The standard limits are 50 for built-up areas; 90 outside built-up areas and 120 for motorways.
Where the limit varies from the standard there are boards with the non-standard limit on the right-hand side of the road. These non-standard limits apply up to the next junction where there is another board if the non-standard limit continues.
However, it is becoming increasingly common to see boards with, for example, '70 zone' to cover several junctions.
The junction can be either side of the road - and the rule applies equally to motorways and dual-carriageways.
As Kasseistamper said, unless one is in a designated speed limit "zone", any non-standard speed limit will be repeated immediately after the junction (or, indeed, after an urban area entry or exit sign).
Don't forget that the standard non-urban speed limit in the Flemish Region is now 70 and not 90, your "translation" may well be out of date.
Article 11. Speed limits
11.1. In urban areas, speed is limited to 50 km / h.
However, on certain highways, a lower or higher speed limit may be imposed or permitted by the C43 signal.
The lower speed limits resulting from Article 11.3. Remain applicable.
11.2. Outside built-up areas, speed is limited:
1 ° to 120 km / h:
(A) on motorways;
(B) on public roads divided into four or more traffic bands, at least two of which shall be assigned to each traffic direction provided that the traffic directions are separated otherwise than by road markings.
However, the speed of vehicles and trains with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons, buses and coaches is limited to 90 km / h.
The lower speed limitations imposed by signal C43 or resulting from Article 11.3. Remain applicable;
2 ° to 90 km / h:
(A) on public roads divided into four or more traffic bands, at least two of which are assigned to each traffic direction and whose driving directions are separated by road markings;
(B) on other highways.
The lower speed limitations imposed by signal C43 or resulting from Article 11.3. Remain applicable.
11.3. The speed of vehicles is limited, depending on the type of vehicle,
(1) 75 km / h for buses and coaches except on the tracks referred to in 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 (a) ;
(2) 60 km / h for other vehicles and trains of vehicles with tires with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 7.5 tons, except on the tracks referred to in 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 (a) ;
(3) at the limit fixed by the technical regulation of motor vehicles or, failing that, at 40 km / h for vehicles with semi-pneumatic, elastic or rigid tires as well as for vehicles which by construction and origin, Are not equipped with suspension;
(4) 45 km / h for Class B mopeds;
(5) 25 km / h for class A mopeds.
In Flanders , outside build up areas, the maximum 90 became maximum 70 since 01.01.2017.
C43 speed limits signs apply from the sign until the next crossroad included unless before that junction you have:
a C43 with another speed
a cancellation of the C43
the beginning of a build up area: agglomeration
the end of such an agglomeration
the beginning of a region with another speed
the end of a region with another speed.
Good luck to you and hope this is clear.