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Social security lawyer
Can anyone recommend a social security lawyer who does not charge an arm and a foot? We don't need anyone high powered, just someone who knows social security. It is for someone who has to fill in the forms for retirement but has a mixed work history and does not want to miss out on something. Good English is aa must. Thanks.
You have already tried the staff at the Office National des Pensions haven't you?
What it the issue that they can't help with? They are probably far more experienced at helping people with complex claims than any "affordable" lawyer would be.
They do provide information in 4 languages, including English.
Oh dear...
I wonder if Test Achats could help.
In the UK, I'd have a pop at something like Help the Aged and see if they could recommend a pension help advice organisation. - Soutenir et accompagner lors du passage à la retraite
Google suggests some of the trade unions have expertise with the transition to retirement.
Social security being what it is, I can't see you getting decent "advice" from a lawyer. If you were to get wrong advice from elsewhere and had a case that could be covered by legal aid, that is another matter...
When my wife needed this information in anticipation of her retirement we got it from our mutuelle.
Our mutuelle holds regular individual pension briefing sessions in their local office though I've no idea whether this is common with all mutuelles.
It would certainly be the place for you to start before spending money on a lawyer.
I presume it's for a pension in Belgium? Some 8 months before I was due to retire I went to the commune who did all the necessary for me with no problems. If for whatever reason this is not possible, as Kasseistamper says try the mutuelle, I have always been with the same and there is a union rep. available twice a week to answer & help with any queries on pensions and other matters. Mind you I was a member (still am) of the Liberal union which might make a difference. Ask anyway, it costs nothing. Mind you, if the person concerned only speaks English there might be a problem.