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SNCB looks into introducing quiet carriages in trains

SNCB train in Belgium - Belga
13:09 17/01/2023

National rail company SNCB is launching a pilot project to introduce quiet train carriages, according to De Standaard. The news was confirmed by SNCB spokesman Bart Crols, report local media.

Although this would be a new public transport service in Belgium, quiet coaches have been present in trains in the Netherlands and Switzerland for almost 20 years.

Mobility minister Georges Gilkinet announced the development on Twitter. “SNCB’s public service contract includes a number of innovations designed to improve passenger satisfaction. For example, there will soon be tests for quiet coaches. Ideal for travellers seeking some peace and quiet.”

SNCB spokesman Bart Crols revealed that the company was “currently working hard preparing this pilot project”. Although he’s yet to release a roadmap, the plans “are already beginning to take shape”.

The implementation of quiet coaches, however, will depend on the success of the pilot project. SNCB will ask for passenger to comment on their personal experience during the trial. “The aim here is to improve customer satisfaction and attract more people to using the train, so feedback is a very important part as well,” said Crols.

He pointed out that SNCB had already received regular demands from customers to offer quieter sections in trains.

Photo: © Belga/Laurie Dieffembacq


Written by Louis Kernoa-Pascoe