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Singing teacher
You're jumping the gun. Feed him/her with Queen, Adele, Abba and The Beatles for the next 4 years and watch the flower blossom.
Only a complete charlatan would take money for "teaching" a child that young to sing.
That was actually a very serious reply.
It would be highly unusual to start to "teach" a child to sing before 10. The body isn't up to it. If you don't know what you're doing, you will do more hard than good.
However, given your reaction to my previous post, I will venture an opinion. That you are too stupid to listen to sensible advice, and will barge ahead anyway until you find a con artist who will take your money and wreck any chance of the child developing a love of music.
Poor brat.
I would have to agree that even contemplating 'teaching' a child to sing at 4 is a bit 'over the top'. There are lots of places in Brussels where children can go to music lessons ... experience sound/rythmn, use of voice etc - in groups and having fun ....
But I would agree with J that only a charlatan or con artist would take money for giving a 4 year old singing lessons.
In my church, children do a Voice for Life programme where they start leaving about 'how to sing' ... the youngest they are accepted into this is seven ...
PS: By asking questions, you are open to opinions on the question - whether you want to take the opinion/advice whatever is up to you :-)
My advice would be to let four year olds be little children - don't try and 'teach' them anything, other than having fun, playing .... with music, sounds, words, etc etc .... they are constantly learning .... and there is no need to formalise the learning for some time :-)
I recommend "Ding Dong" Music Together classes. It isn't vocal lessons but instead they " sing, dance, play simple musical instruments, do chants, fingerplays, rhythm games and a rich variety of other music and movement activities." My 4 year old LOVED LOVED LOVED it!! It is an all English class with mixed ages.
If you want vocal lessons than maybe you could find a vocalist at a local church, look in the ads, or even someone majoring in music from one of the universities who is willing to give your child lessons.
No - I am telling you to do what has worked in our family for several generations:
Expose a child to music, and if she is at all inclined to be even vaguely musical, she will just start singing along of her own accord. By 6 or 7, she'll be primed and ready for music academy.
> you assumed this is what I meant
I'm not very good at mind reading short web questions.
> in fact all i'm looking for is someone who can sing in tune and come to our house
Then why did you state you were looking for a "singing teacher" and were "willing to travel"
> sing with my daughter
You're her parent. You're the best person to do that.