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SEQUENCE 028 | Patrick Toby - François Marcadon - SavAnne

Le Neuf Gallery
16/02/2024 from 14:00until 02/03/2024 - 18:00
16 Feb
Le Neuf Gallery
Chaussée de Waterloo 690
1180  Uccle

In  “SEQUENCE 028”, contemporary art gallery Le Neuf Gallery presents extraordinary works by 3 artists.

  • Patrick Toby (new media, until 23/03/24)

  • François and Mila Marcadon (squid ink, pencil and watercolors on paper, until 16/03/24)

  • SavAnne (acrylics and pastels on canvas, until 02/03/24)

Le Neuf Gallery, located in the heart of the Brussels art district, is easy to access by public transport, by bike, or by car (parking under the building).