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Selling Car
It must be returned to the DIV. Just post it in any mailbox or post office.
When you send in your plate - you need a letter back you can present to your insurance company who can then refund any excess period -- you will also get a tax refund a few months later for any excess period
Take it to the Controle Tchnique and get them to do a sale check. Only necessary if you sell privately, and don't do it until you have found a buyer.
1) Agree sale price and date
2) Pass CT for sale (different from ordinary CT), which is valid 3 months
3) Give CT papers to buyer
4) Have buyer arrange insurance and new number plates
5) In the meantime, draw up a sale contract (Vlan Auto or Autoscout24 have templates online, read instructions and tips carefully)
6) When new plates arrive, get paid, hand over car
7) Contact your insurer to stop coverage
8) Return old plates to DIV
9) Send letter that you will receive from DIV to insurer to get refund