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SECOND HAND school uniforms


Hello everyone? Is there a second hand shop to buy school uniforms?
Or a FB group or website? If not, do you think it would be a good idea to start one?
Thanks in advance!!


Geez - if you've chosen a school that still has uniforms in Belgium, there's no way you should be letting your kids go in anything second hand - school uniforms are a sort of status used to keep the school out of reach of the general gutter-scum.

Having said that, most schools seem to organise a 2nd hand clothes market for fund raising. See if your chosen establishment has one of those coming up.

Aug 18, 2017 18:58

Thanks! Don't all private schools in Belgium wear uniforms?

Aug 19, 2017 08:19

No, uniform is really unusual here.

I can only think of 2 or 3 that do in Brussels and they are really quite small schools.

Aug 19, 2017 09:25

Very few private school s with uniforms eg isb and Bsb.

Most schools with uniforms are Catholic. Size is irrelevant. Near me a school of 1200 with uniform and another with 120.

Aug 19, 2017 18:57

Thanks!! :) new country...trying to understand the rules

Aug 20, 2017 09:22