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Searching for maternelle + primaire in Uccle or Watermael-Boitsfort


We are moving to Brussels this summer from the States and I am searching for school places for my children for the fall (one in 1ere maternelle and one in 1ere primaire). I have had some luck getting on wait lists, others have said no chance, still others I still need to contact. (I know time is of the essence but with two kids, two working parents, etc., we are doing what we can!)

I would be most grateful if anyone could share personal experiences of any of these schools, and certainly any others not on the list (I know MANY are missing, some are in my notes and await a call—see above about being overwhelmed).

Here is the (admittedly random) laundry list...

On the wait list: Eglantiers and Longchamp in Uccle; Futaie/Coccinelles in Watermael-Boitsfort

Plan to contact: Jardins d'Elise, Bois de la Cambre, Les Cèdres/Roseraie, Saint-Joseph Boondael....

Schools I've heard are incredibly popular and wait list goes on forever: Plein Air and Hamaïde in Uccle...are these still worth trying?

Have told me there is no chance: Decroly and Saint-Pierre (both in Uccle)


Eglantiers is a good choice. They've got a charming maternelle section called Ecureuils where children are in an idyllic environment.

Feb 27, 2013 10:18