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Schuldsaldoverzekering during house purchase
Yet another question to ask your notaris who will know the full details of your purchase and situation and will be able to give you proper advice accordingly. He/she will not charge you any more because the charges related to the purchase and any mortgage are fixed by law.
In french it's called "assurance solde restant dû". It's a life insurance which is annually adjusted to cover the outstanding amount of your mortgage loan. With a qualifying policy, the premiums you pay are tax deductible. Any mortgage provider who is selling you a mortgage should be able to properly advise you.
In English it's called a mortgage protection policy. Some are 'with profits', others are not. The difference is that one is more expensive but will give you a lump sum when the mortgage is paid off.
The 'with profits' version is predicated upon certain [Stock exchange] growth values, just like the UK Endowment mortgages; you are very unlikely to achieve the stated payouts.
You should talk with your Notaris about this,
Project financing program. We offer flexible financing for various projects by following the usual rigorous procedures. This funding program allows a customer to enjoy a low interest rate repayment for as low as 3% per year for a period of 2-30 years. We can approve a financing for up to $500,000,000.00 or more depending on the type of business. Reply us with the information below via our following email:
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Mr Adams