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Scarlet Internet users
You don't say where you are moving from or to but I've been in small town Flanders for 20+ years and with Belgacom throughout.
My internet connection is on from when I get up until I go back to bed and the only times it cuts out is when there is a power failure - never from a Belgacom failure. From time to time attempts have been made to get me to change to an alternative - and cheaper - supplier but I have always refused as I am not interested in making a small saving by moving from a service with which I am perfectly happy to the unknown. Also there is a Belgacom shop in town and I have always found the staff there very helpful.
Unless any potential saving is important for you, I would suggest that you stick with Belgacom in your new home at least long enough to assess whether you still get breaks in service.
Scarlet is the cheap brand of Belgacom, so you would probably end up with the save service people ...
For more than five years I have been with Scarlet and they have been okay.
I had a problem a few years ago and it was the modem; they came and installed a new one free of charge at 11pm on a Friday evening. I pay €39 per month and find it okay for my purposes.
I only use Scarlet for my internet; I do not use their television services. I use another company for my GSM - a €5 per month pay and go card.
I have friends in Flanders who have had Scarlet One for years and it works fine. I also have had it for years and it's great. Yes, Belgacom owns Scarlet, but Scarlet has kept the same employees and has good service. Scarlet uses Belgacom TV, but that's fine. There is a package cheaper than the original Scarlet One for €39 per month. They often offer installation free, so look for the promotions. I had the GSM with Scarlet but switched back to BASE as they didn't service me out of Belgium.