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Riots in Brussels
Does someone know what is going on in Brussels? I just got news that there was yet another riot in Avenue Louise after a peaceful demonstration. This is the third such incident in Central Brussels in the last month. I personally avoid going to the city centre if I do not have to. If the abovementioned riots are to become a trend, this bodes ill for the future of Brussels.
I have friends in the area who have posted snaps, all is quiet .
Badly organized rally to protest against slavery gathered hundreds of young people together.
"HIgh spirits" were totally predictable, but the Brussels police are very poorly managed, and aren't able (or didn't bother) to manage the flow of people away from the demo when it ended.
Some of the protesters then decided to smash a few things up on the Ave Louise / Porte de Namur.
From the police perspective, their response is either nothing at all, or full threat and riot gear. They have no intermediate ways of working to manage and disperse groups.
I'm not blaming the police for starting it, it is absolutely clear that was basically a bunch of juvenile kids being vandals, but they could have managed the situation a lot better.