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Rental Agreement (something strange)!
I am moving into a new apartment and I am about to sign a new rental agreement with a landlord. Seeking advice on two provisions on the contract that made me suspicious:
1. All direct and indirect taxes on the property are charged to the tenant (touts les impots et taxes portant directement ou indirectement sur le bien loue seront a charge du locataire, a l'exeption du precompte immobilier)
1. All maintenance and reparation are charged to the tenant (les reparations locatives et de menu entretien sont a charge du locataire: entretien des installations de gaz, electricite et chauffage et installations sanitaires)
Are these provisions normal? Never had to pay anything in relation to these in previous rental contracts here in Brussels.
Don't sign anything until you are not sure about it. These landlords are really shit. Take advice from some legal person if required before signing.
I would say they are normal, but I have never lived in BXL and would make sure the costs. Ask to see a copy of the previous bills for these two clauses I would pay maintenance if things like Heating and electro and plumber stuff if I caused it, but if something major breaks then it is their responsibility. Add clauses to if you want. Example our dishwasher broke. Normally it was for us to fix, but as the landlady had installed a kitchen in a way that the dishwasher could be taken out to be maintained no tenant for 5 years had done it. It was a relatively easy fix, but we agreed to pay half due to her poor management. Come to find out 2 years after we moved out she had taken our money for the repair and not paid the repair people who tried to come after us. We of course had this all written in our exit survey and sent them back after her but beware. Get the bills from before and make sure you don't have problem issues with the place or the electro.
1. It covers the landlord for your personal circumstances. For instance, If you don't register at this address, you are liable for a secondary residence tax on the property.
2. "reparations locatives" is things like dripping taps, blocked drains, maintenance of the heating boiler, etc. Yes, these are always covered by the tenant.
These are quite normal.
Here is a excerpt from a contract checked by a lawyer:
All taxes collected by the public authorities for services rendered to occupants of the building shall be borne by the lessee. Property taxes shall be borne by the lessor. (Toutes les taxes perçues par les autorités publiques pour des services rendus aux occupants de l'immeuble sont à charge du preneur. Le précompte immobilier est à charge du bailleur.)
The lessee is responsible for tenant's repairs and minor maintenance, i.e.:
- regular sweeping of any chimneys used;
- maintenance of gas installations, electricity and heating;
- maintenance of sanitary installations;
- unblocking of drains;
- replacement of broken windows;
- maintenance of wall and floor coverings, doors, windows, shutters and locks, and of bell, intercom and entry phone equipment;
- maintenance of the garden, if there is one and if the lessee has the use thereof.
The lessee shall protect the installations from the effects of frost and ensure that the sanitary appliances, pipes and drains are not obstructed through his/her action. The lessee shall immediately inform the lessor of any accident for which the latter could be held responsible.
He/she will do the same for damage to the roof or structure of the building, repairs to which are incumbent on the lessor.
All other repairs are the responsibility of the lessor, particularly those resulting from age, force majeure, third-party action or a defect in the building.
The lessor shall repair and replace any appliance or installation that has deteriorated during the period of the lease, except if the deterioration is caused by the lessee.
The lessor shall be responsible for accidental stoppage or poor operation, attributable to him/her, of the services and appliances serving the rented premises, if it is established that, having been notified, he/she did not take every possible measure to remedy it as soon as possible.
Sont à charge du preneur, les réparations locatives et le menu entretien, c’est-à-dire:
- le ramonage régulier des cheminées utilisées,
- l'entretien des installations de gaz, d'électricité et de chauffage,
- l'entretien des installations sanitaires,
- la désobstruction des décharges d'eaux usées,
- le remplacement des vitres brisées,
- l'entretien des revêtements des murs et sols, ainsi que des portes, fenêtres, volets, serrures, l'installation de sonnerie, parlophone et ouvre-porte.
- l'entretien du jardin, s'il y en a un et que le preneur en a la jouissance,
Le preneur préservera les installations des effets du gel et veillera à ce que les appareils sanitaires, tuyaux et égouts ne soient pas obstrués de son fait. Le preneur signalera immédiatement au bailleur tout dommage dont ce dernier pourrait être rendu responsable. Il en fera autant pour les dégâts à la toiture et au gros oeuvre de l'immeuble, dont la réparation incombe au bailleur.
Toutes les autres réparations sont à charge du bailleur et notamment celles qui résultent de la vétusté, d'un cas de force majeure, du fait d’un tiers ou d'un vice de l'immeuble.
Le bailleur fera réparer et remplacer tout appareil ou installation détérioré pendant la durée du bail, sauf si la détérioration est due à la faute du preneur.
Le bailleur sera responsable de l'arrêt accidentel ou du mauvais fonctionnement lui imputable, des services et appareils desservant les lieux loués s'il est établi que, en ayant été avisé, il n'a pas aussitôt que possible pris toute mesure pour y remédier.
There is also Union de locataire who can give free legal advise .... I am not sure of their langauge skills but some one there speaks English I think - nthey can help also over phone so it doesnt matter where you live.
Good luck!