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Reimbursement Mutuelle Blood test



I had to have some bloodtests taken. Can I get some of this reimbursed by the Mutuelle?

Thanks in advance for all answres


I got a reimbursement for blood tests.
My experience has always been to stick a sticker on any bill that you think might attract a reimbursement and send it to your mutuelle. They will tell you if there is no entitlement. And NEVER accept someone telling you that something will not be reimbursed - always let the mutuelle make the decision.

Nov 24, 2015 10:07

Even months later it is almost always yes providing you stick a medical sticker on your sickness Insurance receipts and medical forms. Follow KASSESITAMPER's advice.

Nov 24, 2015 10:40

The first time that I had a blood test taken, a vignette was sent to the laboratory with the sample. Since then I have, each time, received an invoice from the laboratory for that part of the cost which the mutuelle doesn't cover. Each invoice has been for a little under € 20, the amount varying a little according to the precise tests made.

Nov 24, 2015 15:07