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Quitting work after maternity leave
I am sure someone will answer you about the rules shortly, but I advice you to extend onto parental holiday if you are worried about leaving your baby in a creche. You can have upto 4 months full time if you wish. There are detailed notes in here about this in Fr/NL
Whether you return to work or not before you resign makes no difference to the benefits you get post-resignation.
As L suggests, do look into parental leave. Though it may only be worth it if you intend returning to work afterwards.
Hi, i have the same question - if I am quitting work after my congé parental (which followed the maternity leave), do I need to go back for 6 weeks while the notice period runs, or can it run alongside my "congé"? Also, if I resign, would i be entitled to chomage? I thought one only got it if the company had made you redundant, but not by quitting.
Thanks a lot!!